All returns and exchanges are subject to a quality check by our team. The creation must be in pristine condition, within 30 days of purchase and returned with original certificate, warranty card and packaging. Personalised creations cannot be returned or exchanged.
If you are opting for a full refund, it will be processed via your original means of payment within 14 business days, depending on your bank.
For further information on the terms, conditions and methods of return and exchange, please consult our Conditions of Sale or contact us.
Only items purchased through the Malaysia e-Boutique may be returned through the Malaysia e-Boutique by contacting our Client Relations Centre on 60 3 2303 5088 or by email at who will be able to support you. A complimentary pick-up service will be provided to return your creation.
If you have purchased an item in a boutique, you may return or exchange it in a boutique of your choice in Malaysia. Please note that items purchased in the boutique cannot be returned or exchanged via our pick-up service through our Cartier Client Relations Centre.