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Cartier and Corporate Responsibility

Since 1847, the Cartier Maison has embodied a tradition of excellence. A tradition which has become our duty. This duty of excellence in our creations, savoir-faire and quality of service also extends to the way we conduct our activities – ethically, socially, and environmentally.

A reference in the world of luxury, Cartier is a unique player in the jewellery world, which gives the Maison a duty to set the standards. We have chosen to embody these standards with commitments that go beyond the Maison’s sole activity.

Therefore, in 2005, Cartier was one of the 14 founding members of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC).

In October 2021, the Maison launched the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030, uniting members from the watch and jewellery industry in a commitment to ambitious goals while collaborating on projects that impact the entire value chain.

The initiative hopes to create an entirely sustainable watch and jewellery sector by building climate resilience, preserving resources and fostering inclusiveness.

Our Corporate Responsibility policy formalises our commitments as a responsible jeweller and our dedication to continuous improvement. From our workshops to our boutiques, we make sure our people are kept informed in order to ensure that these commitments are communicated and honoured in our daily operations.


Often handed down from generation to generation, Cartier creations are designed to be timeless. Every creation represents a moment, an event, a story, an emotion. For this reason, our every activity – from purchasing activities, to manufacturing in our workshops and retailing in our boutiques – must measure up to the level of trust our customers place in us.

This is why we have chosen to formalise our commitments in our Corporate Responsibility policy.

Our commitments
Our commitments fall into three major categories:

  • Business ethics
  • Social performance
  • Environmental performance

The practical implementation of this policy is subject to audits conducted by an independent, international firm. These audits cover a great many criteria and encourage a process of continuous improvement through the sharing of best practices.

Act ethically: business ethics

  • We will not tolerate any kind of corruption or money laundering.
  • We will conduct our business with integrity and value transparency.
  • We will comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  • We will exercise the greatest vigilance with respect to our supply chain, especially regarding diamond purchasing.

Work with dignity: Social performance

  • We will uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ensure compliance with its principles.
  • We will tolerate neither child labour nor forced labour.
  • We will maintain the highest standards in matters of health and safety.

Safeguard the environment: environmental performance

  • We will minimise the use of toxic materials in our operations.
  • We will minimise the negative impact of our activities on the environment.
  • We will manage our waste in a responsible manner.
  • We will reduce our consumption of water and energy.

For more information, please visit the richemont.com website.

Click here to access the full text of our Corporate Responsibility policy.

Click here to access Richemont’s policies.

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